Digital Repeaters

Willunga Hill


VK5RSV : 70cm C4FM Voice Repeater 439.825 MHz (-5 MHz offset).  (Formerly VK5RSC)

Status: Active -  Wires-X and YSF Node #69159




(Owned by: Nathan VK5OG & Andrew VK5WX)

VK5RDF : 2m C4FM Voice Repeater 147.26250 MHz (-1.6 MHz offset).

Status: Active -  Wires-X and YSF Node #89821, VK-OzHUB All-Star Node


VK5RDF : 70cm C4FM Voice Repeater 438.1125 MHz (-7 MHz offset).

Status: Active -  Wires-X and YSF Node #69159, FreeDMR TG-5055



Voice Repeaters Location Map

(Includes South Coast Repeaters information)

South Coast Repeaters